Arthur Young
If you and your spouse have recently gotten divorced, then there is a good chance that the two of you are not getting along very well right now. If you have children, however, you probably want to do what you can to try to get along with their other parent. Doing so is certainly easier said than done, but following these tips can help you enjoy as much peace as possible for the sake of your children—and yourself.
Work With a Mediator
Although you will obviously want your own family law lawyer (such as Attorney Steven N. Long, P.C.) to help ensure that your rights are protected in regards to your divorce and the custody of your children, it's not a bad idea to work with a neutral party as well. A mediator can help you and your spouse to work together for the best for your kids and can help prevent arguments from occurring. In many cases, you can use the services of a mediator for free if you go through the court system in your area, or you can talk to your lawyer about setting you and your ex-spouse up for an appointment with one of these professionals.
Have Someone Help With Drop-Offs
If you and your spouse always seem to argue when you are dropping your kids off or picking them up, consider having someone else help with drop-offs. For example, you can have a mutual friend allow you to drop your children off so that your ex-spouse can pick them up. Then, your kids will be with someone who you both trust, but you don't have to worry about coming in contact with your ex-spouse any more than necessary.
Abide by the Divorce and Custody Agreement
It is truly best to abide by the divorce and custody agreement in regards to things like child support and visitation. You don't want your ex-spouse to try to hold your noncompliance against you later on in court, and you also want to make sure that everything goes as fairly as possible for you, your ex-spouse and your kids. If everyone is abiding by the agreement, then there won't be much for you and your spouse to argue about, either. If you do want to make changes to the agreement, you should do so through the court system rather than attempting to handle it yourselves.
Getting along with your ex-spouse can be tough, but trying to do so is best for everyone who is involved. Luckily, following these tips can help.
Have you recently been let go from your job? Do you feel that the termination was illegal in any way? It is time for you to stand up to unfair employment practices by your former employer. An employment attorney helped me get through an impossible time more easily. I had no idea how serious the repercussions for terminating my position could be for the company, nor did I know how much the company would owe me for doing so. Thankfully, the attorney took the time to answer each and every question that I had and discussed all of my options. I have included much of what I learned on my website to help others learn what they could be owed if they were unlawfully terminated from their jobs.