unlawful employment termination - what's your next step?

unlawful employment termination - what's your next step?

  • What Does It Take To Become A Court Reporter?

    Has working in a courtroom always been something that you were interested in doing? Rather than becoming a lawyer, you may prefer becoming a court reporter. The court reporter has the responsibility of typing out the words that are being spoken by the judge, the defendant, the plaintiff, witness, and the lawyers involved in a case. If you were to take on this job, you would need to have good hearing to be able to listen to what is going on in the courtroom, and you would need to be able to type quickly enough to keep up.

  • Injured In A Car Accident? What To Do

    If you were recently injured in a car accident and you feel like you are missing work and unable to pay your medical bills, then you may be entitled to some compensation. But, if you have never been in this kind of situation before, then you may not know what to do. This article will take a closer look at a few things that you can do if you were recently injured in an accident.

  • 7 Common Questions About Workers' Compensation Hearings Answered

    The vast majority of disputed workers' compensation claims are resolved through favorable settlements. For the small number of claims that can't be settled, workers' comp hearings offer a way for injured workers to finally reach an agreement with the insurance companies and get the compensation they deserve. The following answers a few questions you may have if you're scheduled to attend a formal hearing. 1. Who Attends the Hearing? In addition to yourself and your attorney, you can also expect your employer's legal representative and/or the insurance company's attorney to be present.

  • 3 Tips For Navigating Divorce With Children

    Having a healthy marriage can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, marriage is not always the fairy-tale ending many people hope for. As a matter of fact, 40 to 50 percent of couples in the United States choose to end their marriage. These divorces not only affect both spouses but also their children. If you are in the process of divorcing and have children, dealing with child support, custody agreements, and co-parenting can be challenging.

  • When Do You Need To Call A Lawyer About Disability Benefits?

    The process of obtaining Social Security disability benefits can get very involved, and it's common for claims to be rejected. If you're worried about protecting your rights, you may want to consult with a Social Security disability attorney to learn more about how the process works and what your options might be should your claim be turned down. Have You Filed? If you have not already started a case, it's worth your time to contact a Social Security disability lawyer who offers free consultations to learn a bit about the system.

2024© unlawful employment termination - what's your next step?
About Me
unlawful employment termination - what's your next step?

Have you recently been let go from your job? Do you feel that the termination was illegal in any way? It is time for you to stand up to unfair employment practices by your former employer. An employment attorney helped me get through an impossible time more easily. I had no idea how serious the repercussions for terminating my position could be for the company, nor did I know how much the company would owe me for doing so. Thankfully, the attorney took the time to answer each and every question that I had and discussed all of my options. I have included much of what I learned on my website to help others learn what they could be owed if they were unlawfully terminated from their jobs.
