3 Tips For Handling A Criminal Charge When You Have A Mental Illness
Being charged with a crime isn't an ideal situation for anyone. For those who suffer from mental illnesses, however, matters can be even more complicated. For one thing, there is a possibility that your mental illness might have played a part in the crime that was committed. Additionally, it's important to make sure that you are treated fairly and that you get the help that you need for your mental illness before, during, and after going to court for your criminal charge.
How To Respond When Left Out Of A Will
When you expect to receive an inheritance, this can become a part of your long-term financial plans. Then, if for whatever reason, you are left out of a will, you might feel shocked and hopeless. However, there are actions you may take to increase the chances that you'll receive an inheritance. Determine if You Have a Case The first step is to assess the likelihood that you will be able to win a court case involving a contested will.
When Your Securities Don't Pay Out Or Don't Pay As Promised: Suing For What's Yours
Securities fraud is not a phrase an investor wants to hear or throw around lightly. Yet, securities fraud does happen. You buy into this or that security that is supposed to pay "x" percent or dollars by a certain date or accumulate over years, and then, unexpectedly, you do not get what you were promised, or you get nothing at all. If you invested in a security and did not get the money promised, you need to sue.
Staying Friendly With Family After An Injury
Getting injured at a family member's home can be complicated, particularly if your family member was negligent in repairing or caring for the home. However, there are a few things you can do to keep your family bond strong while also getting the care you need. Here are a few things to consider should you become injured at a loved one's home. Seek Medical Attention No matter what type of injury you sustain, getting medical attention should be your first step after getting hurt at a loved one's home.
A Spendthrift Trust: A Solution For A Troubled Heir
Are you worried about what's going to happen to your heir after you are gone? It's a natural concern -- but some parents have extra reasons to worry, especially when a child has a history of problems that can lead to financial woes. A spendthrift trust is a potential solution to your worries. Here are a few things to consider. Who does a spendthrift trust protect? A gambling addiction, a substance-abuse problem, a history of shopping their way into piles of debt, and even an unstable marriage can put an heir's entire inheritance at risk.